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We are pleased to announce that KGK have purchased from the Navigators a section on the 4th floor of the OCC (Ochanomizu Christian Center) Building in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.
This is where the national office is relocated. So we will move our office to the 4th floor, and expand the meeting room on the 3rd floor. We named the new room "Student Hall (学生ホール)!"
We humbly ask that you will remember this endeavor in your prayers and consider contributing financially to help us cover the expenses for construction and equipment purchases.
Thank you and God bless you!

You can give from here.

*If you are in the United States or the United Kingdom, you can give from here. 
Please choose “National Movement” and “Office & Meeting Space Renovation Project for KGK Japan”.

学生ホールチラシ(英語版) (2).jpg
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